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Toby KID Klauenberg's

   career spans more than 3 decades & 2 continents

   He's funny across multiple industries.


Toby is a rarity in the entertainment industry. He has enjoyed a full-time self-employed professional entertainer's career spanning more than 30 years.  

KID's skills cross multiple disciplines. He's a traveling teacher, gag writer, juggler, magician, actor, musician, a marriage celebrant, a corporate educator, and the practitioner of a myriad of other odd talents.

On top of that, he has a 28+ year marriage and four active kids. Through his organization memberships, he is an extremely involved contributor to his local and national communities. 

Toby has flawlessly melded the trifecta of passion, profession and family and you get to enjoy the perks.  "It's passion that is the soul of my drive." KID explains, "I'm driven to make people happy. It's a simple yet intricate life pattern."  

You can reap the benefits of Toby KID Klauenberg's

uniquely positioned experiences.

Click on any of the following

for additional information 


Charitable Requests

Appearance request for fund raisers, charities and benefits


Free Shows/Appearances

Groups that instantly qualify for free programming


Marriage Celebrant

Celebration of the unity of love



Building the individual with learning


Keynote Speaker

Humorous and Education presentations for business


Other entertainers

Who else or what else are you looking for


Our Home

A photo album



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